Latest Updates and news from Oholei Torah

Mivtza Lulav Winners
Mivtza Lulav Winners: Over 500 boys participated! Submitted over 800 pictures! Shook Lulav with over 4,000 people! and received over 7000 Tickets! One boy per

School-wide Rally for Eretz Yisroel
School-wide Rally for Eretz Yisroel What an amazing event we had on 7 Cheshvan! The entire Cheder – all talmidim in Pre1a thru 7th grade

Welcome to Tzivos Hashem at Oholei Torah 5784!
Welcome to Tzivos Hashem at Oholei Torah 5784! All Chayolim in Pre1a through 7th grade are now all registered! We will take new ID photos

INTENTION The Rebbe illuminates the name “Oholei Torah” as being predicated upon and an extension of the original “tents of Torah” of Shem and Ever.

Please enjoy Volume 2 of INTENTION, a monthly glimpse into the tents and happenings of Oholei Torah. In this Chodesh Nisson edition, we feature the incredible work of

INTRODUCING: INTENTION The Rebbe illuminates the name “Oholei Torah” as being predicated upon and an extension of the original “tents of Torah” of Shem and

A Year Dedicated to Reb Yisroel’s Legacy
A YEAR DEDICATED TO REB YISROEL’S LEGACY Reb Yisroel Friedman, a”h, Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medrash Oholei Torah, effectively impacted tens of thousands of Talmidim

Building Campaign
Plans currently being drawn up for a new student residence hall.A state of the art 9 story building, including: 52 dormitory rooms, Indoor gymnasium, Lecture halls, Rooftop open

Dinner 5779-2019 Highlights
This past Pesach Sheini, Oholei Torah celebrated its 62nd Gala Dinner, a major community event and one that was most cherished by the Rebbe. The

The Beginning
Oholei Torah was founded at the instruction of the Rebbe whose vision was as revolutionary as it was resolute: This was to be an educational