Fathers and Sons Mark Yud Shvat in Oholei Torah
On Sunday, a gathering of enthusiastic fathers and sons of Oholei Torah’s sixth and seventh grade division took place to learn and farbreng in honor
On Sunday, a gathering of enthusiastic fathers and sons of Oholei Torah’s sixth and seventh grade division took place to learn and farbreng in honor
This past week, Oholei Torah lost a long-time former Rebbi, Rabbi Chaim Burston a”h. Rabbi Burston was a beloved Rebbi in Oholei Torah for many
Farbrengens, learning, and l’chaims were seen taking place Sunday throughout Oholei Torah, commemorating sixty eight years of Chinuch. Yud Tes Teves marks a significant moment
Weekly and Grand Raffle Winners: Pre1A Winners 1st Grade Winners 2nd Grade Winners 3rd Grade Winners 4th Grade Winners 5th Grade Winners 6th Grade Winners
Cheder Oholei Torah celebrated the 37th anniversary of Hey Teves with its Annual Didan Notzach Book Fair, a vibrant event held for the benefit of
In celebration of Chanukah and its profound connection to Chinuch, Oholei Torah hosted its annual Latkes “Ovent” (evening) on the sixth night of Chanukah, treating
Oholei Torah Talmidim celebrated Yud Tes Kislev and the release of the Alter Rebbe, with singing, dancing, learning, and Achdus. Led by Mrs. Rishi Bendet
Today over 400 Talmidim of Oholei Torah took part in the International Chidon Hamitzvos and got tested on the first quarter of their Yahadus Book. מפי עוללים
Over one hundred bochurim in Oholei Torah Shiur Daled join a dedicated track to learn and master the entire Maseches Bava Basra. While many bochurim
Shabbos Mevorchim Kislev Winners 870 Boys participated and said over 39,650 Kapitelach Tehilim this past Shabbos!!! Just from Oholei Torah!! Lizchus the Yiddin in Eretz