Award System
We’ve created a fun point system! Here’s how Talmidim can earn points and cards each week:
* Chassidus Shiur: 10 points
* Shacharis: 15 points
* Kriyas Hatorah: 20 points
* Musaf: 10 points
* Kiddush: 10 points
* Bonus Cards: 15 points
Weekly Raffles
Each card earned will count as a raffle ticket! Every week, we’ll raffle off 5-6 exciting prizes.
Automatic Prizes
We’ll also have special automatic rewards throughout the year for those who actively participate. To qualify, boys need to earn 80% of the available points and attend most weeks (details will follow).
* Chassidus Shiur: 9:35 – 9:50
Special Mezonos provided.
* Karbonos: 9:50
Talmidim are encouraged to come early to say Karbanos before davening begins.
* Davening: 10:00
Talmidim are encouraged to daven with the Minyan, B’Kol Rom, sing along, respond to Baruch Hu u’Baruch Shemo and Amen, and follow along by Kriyas HaTorah.
* Kiddush:
After davening, there will be a special Kiddush for the talmidim, as well as a Kiddush/Farbrngen for the adults.
Who can join?
* Chassidus Shiur: 9:35 – 9:50
Special Mezonos provided.
* Karbonos: 9:50
Talmidim are encouraged to come early to say Karbanos before davening begins.
* Davening: 10:00
Talmidim are encouraged to daven with the Minyan, B’Kol Rom, sing along, respond to Baruch Hu u’Baruch Shemo and Amen, and follow along by Kriyas HaTorah.
* Kiddush:
After davening, there will be a special Kiddush for the talmidim, as well as a Kiddush/Farbrngen for the adults.
If you have any questions, please email Rabbimlevin@oholeitorah.